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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  September 24, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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local hospitals. and coming down to the last lap. final night at the legendary purple night at the legendary purple onion. take you there live. 7
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is. >> i have been trying to get answers ever since the chevron fire. that's all i want is answers. >> frustration and anger in the voices of east bay residents tonight. seven weeks after the chevron refinery fire. good evening everyone. i'm carolyn johnson. dan is off tonight. many of those who turned out tonight wanted those answers from chevron. still worried about their health and they are concerned about the criminal charges that chevron bypassed air quality monitoring stations for years. allen live at richmond city hall tonight. >> carolyn, one of the things the people found out is that the ruptured pipe should have been as thick as these 5 penny but it went unchecked and it was only as thick as one penny
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when it blew. >> i wake up every morning feeling the affects of chevron. >>reporter: panel of federal state local authorities told the crowd of about 100 they would tirelessly seek justice for those affected by the chevron refinery fire on august 6. federal investigators say there's no evidence chevron inspected the pipe that ruptured. >> did not inspect individual components that failed which was less than 5 feet in length. >> however we have obtained internal documents from chevron that recommend that every segment of the pipe in this service should have been included in a pipe inspection program. >> u.s. chemical safety board says the decision made by chevron are being investigated. another decision in question has history residents even more fired up. >> how long can we hold our breath? the fire was spread over 11 hours. >> epa launched a criminal investigation into why chevron bypassed its air monitoring
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equipment and burned off toxic gas at least 20 times without reporting it between 2005 and 2009. >> when chevron installed 6 flow meter to comply with the regulation we did not recognize the need for meter on this line. >>reporter: she have respect payed a fine of 170,000 dollars for sulfur dioxide emission. >> i think these events make one make it harder for one to trust the credibility. i know they are working on it but it's hard to trust them under the circumstances. >> a lot of people were still complaining of health issues and weren't happy to here what cal/osha said tonight. they said it's unlikely that chemical can be detected in the body to prove the health issues are related to that refinery fire. reporting live in richmond, l abc 7 news. thank you allen. >> news tonight investigators now say tiny hidden camera were found along with a stash of drug in the home of santa clara
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elementary school principal arrested on thursday. one of the camera was found inside a teddy bear. 42-year-old eric lewis made the first court appearance today after police say he offered drugs to undercover officer through on line dating site. police found methamphetamine, ecstacy and date rape drug ghb at lewis home. he was arrested thursday and faces 5 felony drug counts. san francisco police released identity of the suspect shot by an officer in the mission district last thursday night. oliver is a 22-year-old known gang member currently on parole shot after police say he pulled a loaded gun on an officer. he was carrying a tech 9 automatic pistol loaded with 25 roubdz of ammunition. that somewhating sparked 2 nights of protest resulting in vandalism in the mission district. at neighborhood meeting today resident expressed frustration at the growing gang problem and the police re. >> how many arrest made. practically none. even when arrests are made just revolving
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door. they are let off without any charges. >>reporter: other residents commented that the shooting thursday night was justified. >> hayward police shot and killed a man that tried to run them down. happened at 1 this morning on tennis road. police responded to shooting at the dirty bird bar tracked down possible suspect base on witness subscription. the man hit reverse and tried to hit them with the cadillac. one officer opened fire. the man was killed. no officers were injured. tonight crowd of resident gather to protest the somewhating. the crowd quickly disbursed. search for parolee wanted on gun charges led police to lock down 3 concord schools this afternoon. 29-year-old shawn rose was finally arrested and taken to the hospital after being cornered by an officer and police dog. police say he ran from officers who tried to pull the car over on forest few view driver. we were overhead as police then searched that area. he was found by an officer and canine hiding in the crawl way underneath the home on forest view. he will
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be charged with injuring a police dog and possession of drugs and stolen car. extreme skiing icon livermore native glenn blake is among the survivors of deadly avalanche on the eighth tallest mountain. he's 3 time world champion free style skier based in tahoe. he confirmed to the family he was one of those rescued that killed at least 9 people. happened at 4 sunday morning more than 22,000 feet on mountain in nepal. about 2 dozen climbers were sleeping when the camp was over swept by that avalanche. blake was among 6 people rescue as crew manage to reach survivors using the high altitude helicopters. at least 6 people though are still missing. wildfire in san diego county that destroyed 20 homes and burned nearly 2500 acres has claimed a life. the fire has been burning since sunday near the campo indian reservation 2 miles from the mexican border and today crew found a body inside a charred home. neighbor says disabled
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82-year-old man lives there and refused to evacuate. no word yet on what started this fire. it's about 40 percent contained tonight and continues to threaten homes. let's get the first check on the fall forecast with sand sandy. >> i want to show you live doppler 7 hd. fog out there. mainly confined to the coast and bay and visibility is dropping. currently at half moon bay it's down to half mile due to the fog. here's what the temperatures look like. we have 50's. 60's. quite comfortable heading out the door right now. 71 in antioch. but by morning we are expecting cool conditions with that fog limiting factor. don't put away the shorts and t-shirts just yet carolyn. we have big changes coming and it involves beach weather in my accu-weather 7 day forecast. details coming up. >> we'll see you shortly. >> san francisco is stepping up its effort to clean up dirty streets tomorrow morning with new round of spruce up by sunup inspection. starting at 5:00 a.m. the public works department will identify
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streets littered with trash such as this stretch of columbus near broadway and speak to merchant who may responsible about solutions and penalties. they are lacking for uncollected gar barges illegal dumping and graffiti. >> sidewalk in front of the property is the responsibility of the private property owner. idea is not to hammer them and hit them and fine them right away but really to educate to show them what we can do and what they are responsible for. >>reporter: for the past 9 weeks san francisco department of public works has also been conducting night walk with emphasis on the trash and sidewalk debris linked to restaurants, bars and night clubs. up next. barbara walters asks the president about whether his wife might run for office. >> michelle would be terrific with you temperamentally i don't think that -- >> what the first lady had to say about her husband's response. >> anti-business of gender selection. why so many are paying to get the baby of their
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choice. then later on "nightline". >> i'm cynthia. carolyn coming up next on "nightline". can you really be addicted to food? story of one woman who tried a simple 3 step plan to break the cycle. >> plus jfk secret oval office recordings including candid moments between the president moments between the president and his children and abc
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. >> right now san francisco purple onion comedian telling joke and crowd is howling. it's not unlike many other nights in the club 51 year history except that this night is the last. terri joins us live from the purple onion with the fond farewell. terri? >> it is difficult to be sad at comedy club but that's the underlying theme here on the last night in existence. the people you see in front of the club are some of the 55 comedian who are doing 5 minute bits each tonight on the last nature. then some time around 3:00 o'clock this morning there is one last laugh. >> mission district used to
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stand for sag. gang. drug. prostitution. >>reporter: that comedian is standing in a spot where legend perform and legend made on stage at the purple onion. not just comedian but years ago musicians too. like the the kingston trio and a gym neighbor. 100 people packed in on the final night. >> great place to come comedy in san francisco. it's so small you end up feeling like family after awhile. >>reporter: so you are losing a member of the family. >> a little bit. >>reporter: business hasn't been good enough to stay open. dozens of comedian taking the stage tonight told me that's a big loss. >> smother brother very famous album here. richard prior. lenny bruce. this has been around forever and no place like this. >> another humorously ponder the future of the purple onion. >> weird kind of comedy club that often involves magician and strippers and probably some kind of illegal drug trade at the same time really anything
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could happen at the purple onion. >>reporter: tomorrow everything sold at auction. pictures of the greats who played here. table. chairs. tonight some people take the away a memory of something very san francisco. >> kind of feels like an ending of something really special. >>reporter: the last comedian to perform will be father czar duch i giving the purple onion last rites. also will during the is here and there is a rumor unfounded but what the heck i'll tell you. that robin williams may come did you know to perform. this club is going out tonight no doubt about it but not with a whim perfect but a laugh. in sap tran, terri, abc 7 news. >> what a final evening thank you terri. >> stay at home parents who have a tough time qualifying for credit cards are about to get some relief. the consumer financial protection bureau is propose ago new rule to make it easier for applicant without a personal income to qualify for credit. current regulation require personal income information on credit applications under the new rule
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applicants would be able to submit household income for consideration. california fertility clinic making it clear it can help couple choose the gender of the children. fertility institute has clinic in both los angeles and new york and it's making sure people over sea understand technology that allow doctors to detect abnormal in embryo and gender selection. fertility institute partner now with travel agents to help arrange visa and hotel and director says parents from china and india specifically tend to want male children. rest of the world slightly favor having baby girls. gender selection is illegal in many parts of the world. president is in new york tonight getting ready to address the united nations tomorrow but earlier today he and mrs. obama sat down with the women of the view. barbara walters asked if mr. s obama might one day want to run for office. >> well but what are you going to do the rest of your life. >> well, first 0things first here. we do have an election
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ahead. plus applause i have got all kind of things i want to do in second term. i love teaching. i miss teaching. snoom you can catch the entire interview with the president and mrs. obama on the view tomorrow at 10. by the way, he did say that she didn't quite the temperament for public office. she agreed with him. tonight bay area television legend was honored. arts entertainment reporter don sanchez celebrates 40 years with kg o television. friends and colleagues including dan and mark and vick lee marked this event by dining with don at san francisco johns grill. lots of memory tonight for don including racing to breaking news story on the first day at abc 7 news with photographer who broke a few rules along the way. >> we went from the station to
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the fairmount hotel actually in reverse at 50 miles an hour. i'm serious. >> why was he doing that. >> because transmission was out in the car. very old cars the then. >> don says that story never even aired. but of course plenty more did during the career that included just about everything. i mean besides reporting he also served as both news and sports anchor here at abc 7. he's an amazing talent. super nice man. don't know if he's ever done the weather though. we have that now. >> carolyn he's so multi-talented i'm sure company do the weather. love working for don. congratulations to him. live picture from the high definition sutro camera you see the fog over downtown san francisco. thinks market street here. and part of it is covered in fog. this is what the morning commute may lack like. check out live doppler 7 hd and you will see what it looks like from that perspective. we have some fog
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around the coast and near the bay so give yourself a little extra time you head out the door tomorrow morning. fog coast bay tonight turning sunny tomorrow afternoon and warmer pattern later in the week. you will be reminded of summer don't you worry. tomorrow morning temperatures in the low mid 50's starting out on the cool side. you will definitely need to bundle up as you get out the door because we will see some fog around with the cool conditions. now first thing in the morning the fog is around but in the afternoon we are expecting sunshine. temperatures very similar for your tuesday but by wednesday slightly cooler. this ridge area of high pressure weaken just a little bit as disturbance comes through so we drop the numbers few degrees for your wednesday. but tomorrow morning starting out with the fog locally inland and then the it will pull back towards the coast line. most of the bay area will enjoy sunshine inland areas in the 80's. coastal spots in the 50's and 60's and everyone else in between so we do have some nice looking weather for your tuesday. this is the first full week of fall and it will feature a little bit of a cool
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down on wednesday and then a big warm-up coming especially for the beaches as we head into the latter part of the work week. high for your tuesday. 78 degrees in san jose. cupertino south bay 82 for los gatos. campbell 80 degrees. 76 in sunnyvale also peninsula in mountain view sunshine around san mateo menlo park redwood city low to mid 70's there. 61 degrees half man bay as we show you downtown san francisco. 64 degrees daly city. 59, 60 degrees in the sun set district. north bay is where you see the wide range of conditions. up to 91 in ukiah but bodega bay 61 degrees fog sitting close by. marine influence. 81 if santa rosa. 78 for vallejo. head out to the east bay berkeley 68. oakland 70 and around castro valley, fremont union city mid 70's and inland areas another warm afternoon. we got up into the upper 80's today. do it again tomorrow. 87 fairfield. 85 for pleasanton. livermore 86 degrees and around the monterey bay 62 in carmel with
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fog there. 83 degrees in gilroy. tomorrow night the giants are playing at at&t park as they host the arizona diamondbacks. 7:15. 58 degrees. temperature will be dipping to the mid 50's. breezy and we will see partly to mostly cloudy fog low clouds roll in. would i take a sweatshirt if i were you just to stay warm and enjoy the game. accu-weather 7 day forecast low 60's to upper 80's on tuesday. slight dip in the temperature wednesday you notice that little bit of a drop-off there bay side inland. around the inland area by thursday friday saturday sunday low 90's inland. coastal fog from mid 60's thursday warming up to low 70's. friday through the weekend. you see beach weather just the kind of weather carolyn loves. and ond on monday a little bit cooler. partly cloudy. mike here between 4:30 and 7:00 a.m. with up indicates. abc 7 news about to make someone 49,000 dollars richer. so excited for the october 18, 49ers game on
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abc 7. giving away get this. 49,000 bucks if you like us on facebook it's easy to enter the sweepstakes click the win 49,000 dollar button on our page. that's at slash abc 7 news announce the big winner on october 18 right after the 49 tears on the seahawks right here on 7 news. we wish all the viewers the
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>> hundreds of deserving bay area children heading to summer camp thanks to charity event hosted by our colleague dan ashley. 16th annual friends of camp concord golf tournament took place today. golfers gather at the round hill country club in alamo to enjoy a day on the lichx to raise tens of thousands of dollars to help send kids to summer camp. all expenses paid. >> we have another great day out here. great golf. great cause. in the 16 years that we have been doing this we sent about 7500 kids to summer camp at south lake tahoe all expenses paid. this year we
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probably raise enough money to send another 500. >>reporter: these are kids without this just would not be able to go. if you would like to help support dan and friends of camp concord, just go to our web site and click on see it on tv. jaws terrific event. really tough time for football fans tonight though. >> finally caught up. referee blew a call that cost the team a victory. packers got jabbed. it was so bad we have reaction from the 49ers and youngstown. from the 49ers and youngstown. stick around sports next.
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the. >> all right it's time for nfl commissioner to step up and get rid of these replacement referee not only for the integrity of the game but over all safety of the players. green bay was robbed tonight against seattle on monday night football and it cost them the game check it out. seahawks hosting the packers. seattle
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defensive sacked rodgers 8 times in the first half. clemens had 4 of them. second quarter seattle rookie quarterback wi wilson connects with golden. name come up in a minute. 41 yard strike. 7 nothing seahawks at the half. late fourth quarter. 12-7 paeshtion. fourth down wilson throws it up. golden pushes the db in front of them offensive inference. packer jennings grab the ball in the air for the pichblingt he has the ball. one refuse rue calls it touch down the other no cal call. upon review you see jennings make the catch. they give it to seattle. unbelievable. replacement referee caused the packers a win. 14-12 the time. >> don't ask me a question about the officials we'll cut to the chase right there. i was told jennings intercepted the ball. never seen anything like that in all my years of football. look at the replay. then the the fact it was rae viewed awful. that's all i'll say about it.
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>> all right nfl commissioner and owner know that fans will still come to and watch the games no matter who is officiating but for players and coaches to last on bad call only 16 games this could cost green bay a play off spot down the line. integrity of the nfl dropped a notch. this has to be rae solved. here are some tweet 49ers in youngstown. center gwynn says this is the biggest pwlupder in the history of sports. if that stands. davis around forever tweet that is screwed up with stronger word. what they did to green bay. people work too hard to be xooet cheated. forty-niner owner good night hang with family friends in young town did i miss anything on monday night football? players an owner start getting involved in the performance of the replacement referee it's embarrassing. are you listening roger? all right. a's in texas trying to gain ground in the american league west. hamilton and hos
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hosting 4 gym set. top 2 josh donald son kick start the a arches off and man on. sends derek packing 2 nothing a's. 3rd inning. a's playing long ball. intercept and crushes solo shot a's on top 3-1. starter dan on his game. 6 and two-thirds inning allowed 2 runs walk 2 struck out 8. rangers got to the bullpen in the seventh. beltre launch twos run blast off paycheck and tied at 2. in the 9th. in relieve. bases loaded for beltre. single up the middle. craig trots home. trail rangers by 5 in the west and by one and a half and orioles in the wild card. sports report brought to you by river rock casino oychlt wow! everyone is talking about that situation on football field. all right everyone nightly is up
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